Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Eat like a Samurai, Shit like a Ninja (The Angeleno Hotel)

A friend of Crapspotting sent in this review of the newly restored Angeleno hotel. While I can neither confirm nor deny his spotting, I harbor no mistrust towards my fellow man, stranger though he may be, and firmly believe all crappers are innocent until proven guilty.

"Dear Crapspotter,

I hope you're happy-- Ever since I started reading your blog, I cannot walk into a public restroom without thinking of you. On that note, I dropped a healthy dump in the co-ed bathrooms of the Angeleno Hotel (Sunset/405) last night. One distinct advantage I found--the music inside the restroom was very loud, and might mask any particularly violent ablutions (is that the right word?).

Turdmeister X"

Thanks for your submission, Turdmeister X. I knew Turdmiester V, and if, as you claim, you're twice the man he was than you're one hell of a fellow.

I was initially reluctant to post your review as a co-ed bathroom of any sort seems immediate grounds for dismissal. However, even though "ablutions" isn't a word, you've plead your case passionately, if not always gramatically, for this location and I accept it. Indeed, you've hit upon one of the principal prerequisites of any great public depository: "Air Coverage." The option to snap, crackle, and pop while pooping is truly an unalienable right. So even though the toilet you cite here is egalitarian in nature, the fact that you can discretely drop bombs over Baghdad without fear of retaliation gives this place a gold star.


The Rhetorical Letter Writer said...

Dear Crapspotter (and Turdmeister X),

If you're embarrassed by public toot sounds, schools for the deaf are another good place to crap safely.


The Rhetorical Letter Writer

A.G. said...

This is hillarious and genius! As soon as I can sneak into a School for the Deaf (those little f'ers have incredible eyesight!) I'll post a review!

Anonymous said...

Dear Crap Spotter,

The Rhetorical Letter Writer makes a good point about the sounds, but please recognize that it has been recorded that when you lose one of your senses, your others are heightened. (i.e. smell)

That is not an attempt to be funny, nor is it an attempt to be anti-deaf dudes.

It's just me throwing down some knowledge.

Your #1 Fan,

Anonymous said...

I pooped there, and while I was pooping, someone was looking at my feet. I could tell. They say there's a sixth sense of "being looked at". It's especially acute while pooping. What's going on?

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor the guy who wrote this blog died. Is that right? It's been a while since he's posted. I'm worried about him. Has anyone heard anything?

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